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Hostage the movie question

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I saw this the other night, and I really liked it, except something has been bothering me. Its about the FBI guy who pulls Bruce into the truck. Is that guy one of the old cops from LA? They knew too much about him, and they kept on saying stuff like "You don't want another dead child to deal with, do you", like they knew what happened in LA. A friend of mine who watched this said that the FBI guy had the same watch on as the guy who consoled him after the kid died in the very beginning. I didn't pick up on this, did anybody else? It just seemed like the FBI guys/second set of kidnappers knew way too much about Bruce and were too connected to him for it to just be a coincidence, but they never really develop this.

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Kosy are you asking if the FBI guy who has the Camo on and threatens him, says he's going to kill his family?

I didn't think that FBI guy was actually an FBI agent, just a fake cop. I thought that he was with Walter Smith and was trying to get that DVD.

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Yeah thats who I'm asking about. I just got the vibe that there was some sort of connection between him and Jeff (Bruce). There are many times throughout the movie where he'll say something about him being in LA or about the kid dying. I'm probably just looking too far into this, but I just got the impression that there was something more there.

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I wish they went more in depth with the DVD and Smith's job, I think it would have made the movie better.

I really liked it as a whole, though, it was exciting and had a good plot. When Marsh pulled the knife out of his cheek that was so sick, the biggest tank in the world wouldn't be able to do that, let alone a crazy pinner like Marsh

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Agreed. I found myself wondering what Smith did for basically the entire movie. I got the impression that they cut some stuff out of the movie to keep it shorter, because there were a lot of obvious things that could have been added. Mars was one sick puppy.

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Just beside the actual topic...

that was like the worst movie ive seen the last year(s).

the trailer was so good and the beginning was also very neat... but just in the movie it got so bad.. i hated it.

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The worst movie I've seen in the last year or 2 would have to be 28 Days Later...horrible

Agreed, I thought the movie was supposed to involve zombies, not horny military men.

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Agreed. I found myself wondering what Smith did for basically the entire movie. I got the impression that they cut some stuff out of the movie to keep it shorter, because there were a lot of obvious things that could have been added. Mars was one sick puppy.

It was over 2 hrs, so I am sure that's why they had to cut some stuff out of it

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