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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jammed Door Rule

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Tonight we played in our championship game for in-line. Unfortunately our D bench door wouldn't open, so we were forced to jump. The league convenor was watching, and I asked if they would revoke use of their D door and he refused. I thought it was a rule, that if one teams bench isn't working properly the other team would have to do the same.

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Tonight we played in our championship game for in-line. Unfortunately our D bench door wouldn't open, so we were forced to jump. The league convenor was watching, and I asked if they would revoke use of their D door and he refused. I thought it was a rule, that if one teams bench isn't working properly the other team would have to do the same.

That's always been the rule hasn't it? That's unfair really, because it's not like you have a choice. It's not like showing up without a goalie and then asking them to take out theirs. Well, did you guys win or what?

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Won 7-2, terrible score for an in-line game and just wasn't that fun to play in. We played a bunch of 16-17 (we're 19-20) and they kept crying all game long. We have a few guys who were stuck REALLY bad, a few stitches, and such, then at the end of the game 2 of their guys jumped on of ours. Not alot of fun, their coach (Around 40ish) tried to fight one of my players last time we played them. It was just a weird situation tonight. We had mothers screaming from the stands at us, just a mess.

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while watching a wings playoff game the same thing happened to the avs. the wing were not allowed to us the like ended door forthe rest of the game. sounds like a consiparicy was taking place. glad to hear you overcame this event and still won. so the pie is in thier face.

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Sounds like they were taking this summer stuff way too seriously. Or is it an intense league?

Depends on the team, because you can enter full teams alot of people expect to win. I had mostly ice guys, who weren't pretty, but knew what to do with the puck and knew how to stop players so it burst a few hot shots bubbles.

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Won 7-2, terrible score for an in-line game and just wasn't that fun to play in. We played a bunch of 16-17 (were 19-20) and they kept crying all game long. We have a few guys who were stuck REALLY bad, a few stitches, and such, then at the end of the game 2 of their guys jumped on of ours. Not alot of fun, their coach (Around 40ish) tried to fight one of my players last time we played them. It was just a weird situation tonight. We had mothers screaming from the stands at us, just a mess.

hockeys just not fun when its played like that meaning all the cheap shit that was goin down

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