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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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R1 Control

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well i just got back from my lhs and they had a shaft called the R1 Control. it was red like the RL XN10, and it was grip on it. the grip was really nice nnot too grippy. i think it was 285 grams. Does anyone know anything else about this shaft like, is it replacing something? i checked the TPS website and thers nothing there about it.

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I'm guessing it said TPS on it right?

If not its just a knock off like a Maxx Energy type thing

yes it saidl TPS on it. it deffinatly wasnt a Maxx Energy thing.

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Was it a junior? The weight seems really low. There's a Red lite control on the TPS site, which looks to be a grip Red Lite. There were some SMU R1 shafts, which were just red lite shafts, with an R1 logo (like an R2 shaft). I assume these are the same thing, with different graphics.

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it deffinatly wasnt a redlite control it clealy said R1. it looked like a R2 only red and it said control on it.

and i dont think it was a tapered shaft. im not sure tho.

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It makes sense it would be red. The new R+ is red, they had a shaft already made for the old Response shaft. I'd think this is the R1 shaft, which can be found on hockeymonkey, with grip. Do you have any reason to believe its anything differen't?

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