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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Playing "Canadian"

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ive found that after playing for as long as i have and so often, that my left hand / arm has become stronger. im right handed, and play hockey right handed too, and now it just seems like my left became stronger because of hockey.

Must be doing something wrong because that is backwards. If you're right handed then your right hand/arm would be stronger from being the power hand at the bottom of the stick.

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ive found that after playing for as long as i have and so often, that my left hand / arm has become stronger. im right handed, and play hockey right handed too, and now it just seems like my left became stronger because of hockey.

Must be doing something wrong because that is backwards. If you're right handed then your right hand/arm would be stronger from being the power hand at the bottom of the stick.

I think he might be correct. Unless he's saying that his left became stronger than his right...which certainly isn't true for me. I feel that my left arm and hand have gained strength because as a right hander, my left hand/arm is often the only hand/arm controlling the stick when playing D.

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