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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer 2090

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Hey guys, i just picked up a pair of Bauer 2090's today. They fit my foot perfectly, no pain at all, but Ive got some questions. I was skating in Externo E60's before. They were size 7, and my 2090's are size 6. Is this normal? or were my Externo's just too big and i didnt realize it. Anyway, I know Externo's were CCM's former top dog, and the 2090's are a Lower end model within Bauer. Will skating in these be like going from a Bentley to a Honda? I'm a pretty hefty kid at 5'8 185, so are these skates right for me? Yes they fit great, but should i have gone for the 5090/8090's? Thanks for the input guys.

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is there alot any ankle support or are they really flimsy? if they are decently stiff you shouldnt have a problem with them

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There's decent support, but the definently arent as stiff as the Externos, which isnt neccessarily a bad thing in my case, as i like forward flex.

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