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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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XN10 Whip Flex

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I am in the market for a new stick and I might buy a 85 Flex Stealth ( beasue of drury curve) do you think i wud be better off buy a XN10 Senior Whip Flex??? I am 5'6-5'8 and around 130 Pounds and have enough strength to use a Senior probaly.


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I'm just a big bigger than you (5'8 155 lbs) and i use an R2 whip. I find that the whip flex works way better for me than 100 flex . But it's all PP but hey, it could work for you!

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Also keep in mind that if you plan on cutting your stick, it'll get stiffer by a bit. I cut an inch down on my shaft so the flex rating on it is around 75-80? The closest thing i've ever tried to a 75 was an zcarbon intermediate woody (70 flex) and it felt around the same.

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it a hard decision to make...both stick are aprox the same

so here what i did: Pick the best shaft in my opinions(r2xn10) i also didn't whanted to have a OPS and put a Synthesis Si-Core Inginla!

I have the best of both world(well..in my opinions!)

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