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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My First Goal!

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Last night I had my 2nd practice in Hockey 3 (hockey skills class). We're lucky to actually have a goalie in this practice who's been playing for a few years, even if he is only about 10 yrs old. I noticed that when it became my turn to do the drills he would relax a little because I can't really control the puck yet and anytime it would get close to him it would be an easy save. Anyway we were working on a drill and I managed to get one in the 5 hole. I was stunned, the rest of the class was stunned, heck even the coach was stunned. I can't wait to do this in my first game where it means something. I also had another almost good shout where I came around on the goalie's strong side and took a shot at his weak side were there was about 1/3 of the net open, unfortunately my shot went wide. My coach was happy because it at least showed that I was lifting my head and looking. Not bad for my 2nd class.

The only bad thing about class that nigh was this little kid who is in AA and can skate circles around everyone else, so he kept farting around and I nearly plowed over him twice. If I wasn't so worried about plowing him over me being 5'9" 300 lbs and him being 4' who knows.

Any way class was great and I just had to share.

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Congratulations, man.

I hope you took the puck with home and put it on the shelf above the chimney ^_^

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Congratulations, man.

I hope you took the puck with home and put it on the shelf above the chimney ^_^

:P :lol:

I thought about it.

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with your size, i wouldn't be surprised if you managed to power a few more goals in front of the net :D congrats and keep up the enthusiasm.

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