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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS XN10 shaft?

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Can the TPS XN10 tapered shaft take wood blades or what blades most it take???


Any tapered wood blade will fit. Just make sure you get senior blades for a senior shaft, junior for junior.

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So I couldnt just get any wood blade???

any TAPERED wood blade. R2 wood, Synthesis wood, 7500, Christian wood, Mission ether. I think thats all of them.

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you could...and do like i do...shave the tenon of your blade ot fit tapered...and cut it to have the same lenght as a tapered blade!!

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you could...and do like i do...shave the tenon of your blade ot fit tapered...and cut it to have the same lenght as a tapered blade!!

i tried that with a prostock tps blade...after i cut it to the right dimensions it snapped right where the shaft ended the first ice time leaving the hosel inside the shaft....pain in the ass

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