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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Supreme 4000 THG

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Does anyone know if the Supreme 4000's from THG are similar to the 5090? They seem cosmetically the same and spec'd the same. Thanks for any help.

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do you mean the 4500 skate? If you do that skate seems narrower than the 5090 as far as fit goes. Haven't used either skate so i wouldn't know how each performs.

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THG or, (the hockey group) makes skates almost to top manufacturers specs and looks. they are basicallly the same skate

THG doesn't manufacture anything... their products are SMU (special make up) from the manufacturers.

If you're referring to the 4500, it's going to fit more like the "-000" skates than the "-090" skates.

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Nah...the 4000. It's spec'd the same and has the same apearance. It's an 04 model. Doesn't have the rubber eyestay, etc. Just wondering if it was renamed since Bauer didn't have a lower level skate to the 8090 cut that year.

I believe the 8090, 5090, 2090 are all similar in fit?

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Nah...the 4000. It's spec'd the same and has the same apearance. It's an 04 model. Doesn't have the rubber eyestay, etc. Just wondering if it was renamed since Bauer didn't have a lower level skate to the 8090 cut that year.

I believe the 8090, 5090, 2090 are all similar in fit?

Correct, they are. The 4000 will fit like the older Supremes (8000, 7000, 6000, etc.)

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