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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf 707 vs. Graf 727

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Is there some sort of unbiased FAQ or other document out there describing the difference in fit and such between different skate manufacturers, and/or the different models ? For instance, I'm curious about how the fit of my Graf 609s differ from other Grafs, but I see their website is still down. I vaguely recalled that the last digit tells something about how the skate is supposed to fit.

I was also recently drooling at new skates , asked the sales guy which skate would fit my foot best (narrow/flat), and he gave me somewhat contradictory responses ("CCMs fit a narrow foot, so I recommend the Eastons"). Seems like fit is a question that keeps coming up... I searched but all I can find are brand 1 model A vs brand 2 model B comparisons, nothing exhaustive.

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I think the new Tack line has a wider midfoot and lower arch, maybe you could get them in a C width?


Near the bottom, in the item description it talks about the width and arch. I've also read the same here on MSH.

I dunno 'bout the rest of the Graf line, but from reading here, I think that 705's are made for thick feet (high instep), and maybe well suited for wide flat feet.

609/709 fit deep, and 703's might be the narrowest. 704 is supposed to be tighter than 703 but I dunno if you can find those anymore.

I have 703's and if you care to know what I think of them, check out my review in the Skate Review section.

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I think the new Tack line has a wider midfoot and lower arch, maybe you could get them in a C width?


Near the bottom, in the item description it talks about the width and arch. I've also read the same here on MSH.

I dunno 'bout the rest of the Graf line, but from reading here, I think that 705's are made for thick feet (high instep), and maybe well suited for wide flat feet.

609/709 fit deep, and 703's might be the narrowest. 704 is supposed to be tighter than 703 but I dunno if you can find those anymore.

I have 703's and if you care to know what I think of them, check out my review in the Skate Review section.

Hey bud,

Thanks for the reply to my post. I checked out the link you provided, they do say something about CCM Tacks fit but unfortunately most of the other skates they sell are not accompanied by such a synopsis.

I wish there was some quick way to narrow things down without having to try on skates at every shop in town - sort of like the pattern DB here.

thanks again !

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