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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Thanks kovalchuk71.

I looked in the search, and start reading the topics.

For what i've seen, some people told that they aren't very good.

I play roller hockey, so the puck is lighter. Can anyone tell me if these gear hornet/velocity OPS will work for me??


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I bought two of the Gear Hornet OPS for ice hockey about two months ago and I like it alot. Before thatI was using an Easton Ultra Lite shaft/blade combo.

I've never used one of the high end OPS like a Synergy so I can't compare but I've been very happy with Hornets and would buy another. I'm still using the first one and other that some chipped paint it's holding up just fine.

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Just to update-I broke one last night at stick time. I decided to line up some pucks & crank some slappers and it snapped at the fuse point.

Still lasted longer than a wood stick, tho. And I still like them.

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