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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Chunking wheels .. help me out here

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I recently bought some Kuzak wheels that were on special at HockeyGiant. I've played three games with them, and they're already starting to split and chunk a little. I don't have a lot of experience with this. The only wheels I've ever had do this were wheels that I was using on a wood floor (I play on Sportcourt now) that were too soft for wood. I suspect these new wheels may be a bit soft for me, as I'm 6'3'' and 225 lbs. I know none of you have SEEN my wheels, so your advice may be vague, but given that there are little bits of wheel missing after three games, should I just give up on them? I've got a set of Kuzak (72mm) and Labeda (80mm) that are in pretty good shape and have a lot of life left in them. I've used a set exactly like them before and had no problem. Should I just put them back on and write off the problem Kuzak wheels? The last thing I want is to lose a large chunk of wheel in the middle of a game.

PS - Please don't suggest I buy Rink Rats or any high end wheels. I'm an intermediate level player and don't have that kind of money.

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Crap ... you know what? Nevermind. I just remembered what the problem is. It's been a while since I've purchased a different set of wheels (remember, I've been using a similar setup with Kuzak and Labeda for a while) and I forgot that I need to buy harder wheels in the front. I can go with a 74a or so in the back, but I always buy a 76 or even 78 in the front, because they do chunk due to my weight.

Crap. Oh well. The back wheels are fine. I just need to find new ones for the front.

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I'm having it bad too, i'm a heavier player and lets just say the 74A Milleniums that came with my Tour silvermax lasted one shift, playing on concrete. I also tried the cheap Kuzaks and am averaging 1 chunked wheel (front most 80mm) per game. I decided to lay down the cash for some high durometer rinkrats in the hope of better druability.

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Epuck has some RR worldcup cosmetic blems, 84A, for $3/wheel. The only thing wrong with my set was the coloring was a little foggy or smokey, but they had no structural damage. I've been using them on concrete and just ordered 2 more sets. They are plenty hard enough for big guys (I'm 6'3" 240), and not too pricey.

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Are you using the world cups on indoor smooth pavement or outdoors? Hows the grip? I noticed that Rink Rat came out with new Hotshots and Hornets recently with higher durometers.. not quite as high as the world cups

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I use them outdoors on a pretty rough rink. They don't quite have as much grip as I would like, but the rink I play on tears up soft wheels in a matter of minutes. I like the speed I get with the harder wheel though. I don't like to spend much on wheels (especially for outdoor play), but the new RR line does look pretty nice with all those different durometer options.

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just one word said it all "kuzak"... :unsure: those are some of the biggest hunks of crap i've seen.

Interestingly, I've been using Kuzaks on the front for a long time and love them. It has nothing to do with the brand. It's the hardness.

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Thats not that much for a wheel and it will most likely last you 4x longer than most wheels that are cheaper than that....

4 times longer? Not a chance.

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Thats not that much for a wheel and it will most likely last you 4x longer than most wheels that are cheaper than that....

4 times longer? Not a chance.

Thank you. I didn't believe it either.

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