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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Do you think this will happen?

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Thanks for the nukes update. I never realized how many players there were in the game. These days with terrorists ,etc. (only a matter of time before suicide bombers blow themselves up in USA and I live in metro NYC), there is too much to worry about so I just live them one day at a time. As I long I make it to hockey on Friday night every week and enjoy the beer and pretzels after the game in the locker room, my world is complete for another week!

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The whole nuke thing scares me. It could happen with countries such as North Korea and such. About the Mayans, I'm not familiar with them, but just about the only thing that is scary about the year 2012 is the telepathy of newborns. That wouldn't be good.

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The whole nuke thing scares me. It could happen with countries such as North Korea and such. About the Mayans, I'm not familiar with them, but just about the only thing that is scary about the year 2012 is the telepathy of newborns. That wouldn't be good.

Yeah, nukes do suck.

Telepathy for kids would be wierd.

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The whole nuke thing scares me. It could happen with countries such as North Korea and such. About the Mayans, I'm not familiar with them, but just about the only thing that is scary about the year 2012 is the telepathy of newborns. That wouldn't be good.

Yeah, nukes do suck.

Telepathy for kids would be wierd.

That seems to be the only part that makes sense to me. Nuclear war is certainly a matter of WHEN and not IF. I figure perhaps this telepathy in newborns is a side effect of the nuclear radiation. That oughta spice up the world a bit.

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I guarantee the world will come to an end....at some point.....likely in the very distant future.

I believe the world will come to an end as well, but just as we know it, not where all life on the planet will cease to exist. What will end is the way we perceive living and conduct our lives. Our bodies will die as they are on this planet, but will move on to what is next with our deceased relatives and friends guiding us. To what? we'll have to wait and find out because no one has ever come back to tell us.

Right now,Earth is Hell. I am Catholic, but don't believe in every set belief in one particular religion. Most religions are a bit similiar, and most say you will go to Hell if you are not that one particular religion, that means that everyone will be going to Hell for not being more than 1 type of religion. So all religions contradict each other, and all were put in place to attempt to keep a sort of structure to man. But right now, as the end has begun, religion seems to be the source of most conflict and wars in the world.

And the Mayan people weren't the only source to make accurate predictions and to touch on Armageden. History Channel ran a good series of shows awhile back, forget what the title was. Some touched on Nostradamos and his predictions. I read up and watch a lot of ET material, and there is a lot of circumstancial evidence that they also know that the end is near...believe it or not, up to you...example? Abuctucees. Call them crazy or fakes, your entitled one opinion...but through hypnosis some are able to recall telepathically gaining information from ETs and learning different skills that will be needed when the end is here...well, the end is here, the process has begun.

Regarding the prediction that babies will be born with telepathy, we all have telepathic skills and RV skills, it's just a matter of learning to be able to bring out those skills and use them. Whenever someone is staring at you from behind, you start to get that feeling that someone is staring at you, you turn around only to make eye contact with the stranger, and ask yourself, how did you know they were looking at you? What about when you can successfully think what your closest friend or relative is thinking? Is that just because you know them so well, or is it because you've learned to tap into the powers within?

I think i've made myself sound freaky enough, but these sort of topics are of great interest to me.

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well yeah, we do have ways of telling how people feel. There are obvious ones like if someone is crying, they're probably sad, but you cant really read someone's mind if your are staring at them and there is a straight face on them. Such as in Poker ;)

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