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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ebay Autobid

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Is there anything like that? like bids for u at the last second? cuz im really getting pissed off cuz these ebay nerds find a way to always get a dollar higher when i bid. Im really getting pissed off im about to smash sumthing...anyone hav this same problem?

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its not being a nerd, its called sitting at your computer with 5 minutes to go in the auction. There is such a thing as "snipe" software however.

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Just put in your max bid. It'll bid upto that number. I'm sure thats what you are getting outbid with. Just put in the highest amount you're willing to pay and I think it does it automatically.

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Do a Google on "sniping software" and you'll find an array of choices.

I've never used any but my father-in-law uses it all the time to win Lenox figurines. The one he uses allows something like five free uses a month with twenty seconds to go. If you play for the service, they'll make unlimited bids with around three seconds to go. You still can be outbid, but the theory is you get into less of a bidding war.

The only caveat about sniping software I can give you is you should never use them on any Salming auctions -- you should always bid early and often.... B)

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Go to www.auctionsniper.com sign up and you get 5 free uses or maybe more, cant remember, you can set when you want to make the bid, I usually use 2 seconds because sometimes when you enter 1 second it doesn't work.

It works well and you get things for much cheaper than entering bids with any substantial time left.

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I just don't place ANY bids until the last 5 minutes of the auction. If you bid more in the beginning, you end up paying more in the end anyway. I'm usually sitting at my computer for 15-30 minutes waiting for an auction to end.

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Its funny that auction sniper was mentioned because yesterday I lost a bid and my friend told me all about action sniper, but I cant download it untill I get my computer back 2morrow

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when im bidding on a stick or something i wait until like 15 seconds left and bid really high and i usually always win

me too except the ''really high price you are talking'' is my max bid

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My sister uses snipe.com for her antique business. she loves it. I can not be 100% sure, but I think she ends up overpaying for stuff that way. You have to put your max price in there way ahead of auction close. The way I bid on stuff, sometimes I do not really know what my max price is, so I watch the auction for a day or two, and get a feel for what it might be worth. There were plenty of times when I "had to have" something one day, and the next day I just wondered what the heck I was thinking! Manual bidding--you can change your mind easier on rebiding!

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The way I bid on stuff, sometimes I do not really know what my max price is, so I watch the auction for a day or two, and get a feel for what it might be worth.

You can also look at "Completed Auctions" which is a checkbox on the left after you've done a search.

It will show you all the auctions of the past thirty days (I think), so you can tell how much items generally will go for. It's also helpful if you are a seller, because you'll see three items sold for $10 while a fourth sold for $18. When you click on the $18 item, you might understand how to position your item to get more/higher bids.

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