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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM ProTacks 2004

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Well...I'm going to my LHS in about 12 hours...my choose is between the flexlite or the protacks, and maybe(but i never had the chance to see them) the mission L series.

My big issues with the flexlite was that i felt i was too much on my heel(i prefer a more forward flexion)

Is this issue come with the Pro tacks '04 too??I'm using the 1152 2002 with t'blades

But i remember on the ccm site,saying that the pitch of the pro tack 2003 was a bit different...do it change on the pro tack too???

And do they stay stiff long?? or break easy?? how is the material in the skate(confortable??)

Thanks guys!


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I would definitely get the ProTacks, but thats PP.

I just love the fit and i trust CCM.. Its just a matter of your personal feeling and stuff..

I would recommend to try both on and take the one which fits better to your feet.

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I'm in the same boat as Sven. I've been a Tacks guy for a long time and find them to be a great skate. I've never gone as high up as the Pro-tacks, but I've been on 852's for two years now (playing 2-3 times per week) and have no complaints.


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Okay thanks guys,...since i'm 3yr old i skate with CCM...but i was wondering if it still a great skate...or maybe they are some skate better now

With all the new compagnie and design and technology!!!

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Okay thanks guys,...since i'm 3yr old i skate with CCM...but i was wondering if it still a great skate...or maybe they are some skate better now

With all the new compagnie and design and technology!!!

I think you'll be very happy with the Pro Tacks, if you know the CCM boot fits you best. I've played CCM Tacks for 35 yrs just because the CCM boot has always fit me best and the 2003 Pro Tacks are without a doubt, the best ones I've had yet. Super light, yet more durable than other super light skates.

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