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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Iron Bjourne?

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In the golf world there is a machine called Iron Byron that replicates the golf swing.

Is there an simlilar machine in the hockey world?

How would the curve of the blade affect the velocity of the puck that it hit?


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no theres not a machine like that. it wouldnt really be useful, other than seeing how fast a stick could shoot a puck unrealistically.

the curve wouldnt effect the velocity as much as it would the height of the shot. unless you have a radiacally bad curve

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I know some athletic places that analyze your shooting and skating, but I don't know of anything that tells you what the best curve for your shot is. However, I know there are some shops that have a thing that measures your shot speed on an open area with testors of different sticks and curves. I've only seen it in the hockey buisness news (I think) so I don't know exactly how it works.

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