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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is Bauer happy with there sale this days?

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Some reps are talking about down about 34% in sale this season for all products in general, this is mostly to proshops, this is where the trends is starting,

We will se even more sale and bigger discounts on BN products in the time to come from web stores since the warehouse is packed with products,

New companies taking the front, Easton has a huge inncrease in skate sale,RBK is selling extremely well in all markets and products

Helmet RBK a large winner

Skates Easton bigger everyday

Nike is out with 7 new products this season, will it remove itself from the market place soon, .the sale is so bad to retailers that it is a big joke

Will Bauer Familly take over again, this can not last forever,they really need new owners, how much money has Nike lost on this the last 3 years?

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Yes, this is the case in Norway, how is your market doing?

Thanks for reply, it is nice to now about other markets!

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well in toronto area shops are down quite abit even the forzani group is losing big money. alot of stores are down quite alot like 15% roughly which is a fair size for toronto. i have seen a slight increase in sales well people coming in and getting stuff since the hockey season is approaching fairly fast so hopefully sales will pickup

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This is the guy who complained about bauer durability isnt it? Bauer is selling perfectly fine here, Id say one of the top brands for sure.

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