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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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im either going to buy a pair of reeboks or the new bauer 8090 line, depending on how they fit. All i know right know is that there both deep fitting skates and thats what i really need. i heard the 8090's are super stiff so if i went wit hthoughs id get the 5090 (thinking theyd be less stiff?) If i go for the reeboks i would want to save up for the 7k's, but if there to stiff id go for the 4k"s. does anyone know if the 7k's havea stiff boot and how they compare to the 8090's. Thanks alot

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going by that RBK's line of skates are basically the exact same skate as the CCM Vector line (except for the logos and such), i would assume the 7K boot would be relatively stiff as the high end vectors are.

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going by that RBK's line of skates are basically the exact same skate as the CCM Vector line (except for the logos and such), i would assume the 7K boot would be relatively stiff as the high end vectors are.

The RBK line skates is nothing like the Vectors. Look different, made of different materials, fit very different.

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