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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK Elbow Pads and Shin Guards

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Think it's the same as the jofa principle (cos they are the jofa pads) where the higher the number doesn't necessarely mean a better level of support.

Some will be wider/shorter/different strapping/cup depth etcetcetc

So just go to LHS and try them on and see what feels best. Think I ended up going with the 6k's.

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The 6k shins are awesome. I like how they dont have the pad that rises up above your knee, I hate those.

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Yeah I use bauer 8000s right now, that pad is adjustable, but usually I either cut if or fold it down under the knee cushion pad.

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I play very competitive hockey and I find that the 5k shins give me plenty of protection,

I also have the 5k elbows, and they are also fine

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The main difference between the 8K and 7K elbow is that the 8K model has the extended forearm protection.

For the Shin Guards, the 8K model has a thermomolded inner liner which is lighter and offers better protection.

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I'm really tempted to invest into some RBK protection, if there shin guards are anything like the high end jofa range, i'd be stoked..

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