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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I always find the stories of Coffey's boots funny. Some thing like he was a 9 but wore 6 & 3/4 boots. Some times he had to be helped to the ice because of the pain but as soon as he got out there it went away. I think I read he played with a 2 inch grind on his skates too, so he could glide on the ice rather than cut deep into it. Sorry if this is old stories....but what is hockey with out the same old stories over and over
  2. JShera Where did you get the Alpha's from?
  3. Helmet - Nike 0004 (that or the bauer are the only ones that don't make you look like Mess with no shoulder pads) Visor - Itech Straight Elbows - Nike V10 - Very light Girdle - Franklin - really well vented for roller Gloves - Bauer 5000 - the only choice Shins - Bauer 5000 - Very well padded for blocking shots Skates - Bauer 8000's with Rocker Roller chassis & Rink Rat Hornets (we play on tiny rinks in the UK so need the sprints and tight turns) Stick(s) - TPS Response original Reg Flex Tucker pattern. (keep trying to get rid of it but doesn't seem to stop putting the puck in the net. Just ordered an Inno 1100 Tapered so we'll see about that) Sounds like I'm Bauer/Nike sponsored but we don't get much choice across the pond. If you want some thing different we have to order over the net and pay a years salary for shipping!!!!
  4. Stampede

    Bauer Vapor XX

    Vapor XX/P106 Blade/87 Flex User 5'9 175lbs Competetive Roller Hockey 3 times per week Blade - Pattern OK, have hacked the end off it as it was flexing a bit on 1 timers. Great puck feel and the puck doesn't appear to hop up as much as with the Vector or the TPS Response (not tried the XN10 though) 9/10 * EDIT* - After a few more weeks just really can't get on with this blade. Need something more like a Drury/Kovalev Shaft/Flex - 87 is perfect for roller hockey. Don't have to scuff the floor too much to get plenty of heat on it. Also for one touch passes the stick springs the puck itself. Love the grip coating. Find the Easton's too grippy and can't be bothered to spiral wrap the stick with tape to stop it moving when gripping for the shot. 10/10 *EDIT* Flex seems to have given a little too much now. Difficult to control the one timers. All the power in the world ...but that's no good if your hitting posts. Stickhandling/Receiving Passes - I've never been a great stick handler but it seems to help me a little bit. Can feel the puck really well. That applies when taking a pass as well, know where on the blade you have the puck without having to glance down. 9/10 Shooting - The flex of the shaft and the taper make snap shots and wristers get more steam on them. All 3 of the goalies I train with have said they think that it is the case. Should score more goals with it but for some reason still seem to get more with my original TPS Response (even with a half cracked balde). Only had the stick 2 weeks though so still giving it a chance. 9/10 Balance - Weight is perfect. The sub 400g sticks just feel too light. Best OPS stick I have felt for balance. The TPS and M1 both felt a bit too blade heavy. 10/10 *Still the best feel in your hands* Durability - A few of the lads on our team have taken swings at it but just bouced back. Also a particular hefty fellow fell on it and didn't half it (the same as he did a team mates vector). Will have a better idea on this in a couple of weeks 10/10 (so far) Conclusion - Best OPS I have had so far. Will be interested to see the XXX, but I doubt we will get them on this side of the pond until 2010!...... Wow an Easton V flex is that new!!!!!! *EDIT* Giving it another couple of weeks ....then back to the TPS or Inno 1100 me thinks. The Vapor should be the perfect stick, everything stacks up with it ..... but it just isn't and I can't put my finger on why.
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