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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I know that theere has been numerous topics on Diets, but I'm looking for something more specific so please bear with me.

I'm a decently sized guy as far as height goes, about 5'11, but I only weigh 145. I'm trying to bulk up for the season but I'm having diffuculties. I go to the gym 6 times a week, with a program the gym has made up specifically for me and my hockey...I am getting stronger, and it is noticebly stronger, but I cannot for the life of me put on ANY weight. All my buddies who are a bit bigger are easily gaining muscle mass because of the fact they were already big, where as I'm stuck starting form scratch.

Basically I'm wondering if anyone could give me some sites that are specific with weight gaining diets. I'm mainly looking for the % diets, where you eat certain %'s of protein carbs etc. but I need it to be specific on how much that percentage means.

Thanks for any help.

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6 times aweek is alot. Try like training each muscle group 2 times aweek. Eat more, alot more, maybe like 4000 calories/day. Don't do cardio alot.

Go to Bodybuilding.comand there should be tons of info that you'd like

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Cut your gym time down to around 4 times a week and eat 5 meals a day. Lots of pasta!! Get a ton of sleep and keep at it sooner or later you will gain. Its just getting off the flat at first. I just went through this. It might also depend on your age/build.



Hockey specific programs aren't designed for weight gain so you may want to change your routine a bit. www.bodybuilding.com It is a choise you have to make man hockey specifice training.(power and strength/agility etc.) or mass gain. Once you get it you can train it for hockey though. Train higher than your goal because once you start hockey training again (cardio) then you will lose some weight. I.E. 200 goal train for 210.

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I would go 6 or 7 meals a day, and lots of protein in each. Like breakfast is a 8 oz breakfast steak, some eggs and toast. Morning snack is fruit and cottage cheese and a protein smoothie. Lunch is three or more chicken breasts, veggies, and pasta. Before lifting a protein/carb energy drink. After lifting the same. Chicken breasts for supper. Evening snack. Protein shake before bed.

Get the idea, stuff on that feedbag, and put 2 to 4 times more protein into you mouth--spread out over the entire day so the body can absorb it.

A good multivitamin and omega 3 type fish oil tablet will help put on the muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat, so that is what you want. Grow those muscles!

Other things with good protein in them: nuts, peanut butter, flank steak, Beans, tuna fish (no mayo!), salmon steaks, eggs are your friend--especially extra whites, clams, lobster, beef jerky, ham, turkey, pork tenderloin, flann deserts, lowfat milk, lowfat yogurt, etc.

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