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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Outsoles

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A buddy of mine has a pair of D1C's. Basically brand new. The other day, he took a hard skate-first spill into the boards and the the heel part of the chassis had popped off, and some of the outsole (foot part) tore off. The guy in the proshop re-riveted the chassis and put some sort of thick silver epoxy. It seems to be holding, it's only slightly wobbly. But I bet another decent fall or something and it's gonna pop off.

Ok sorry for the long intro. Now for my question. Is there anything more to fixing it then epoxy? Can the boot be re-outsoled or something? Like if he sends it away, can a new piece be stiched/put on the boot? Or is the skate pretty much toast?

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Yeah I figured they were cooked.

Thanks for the warranty idea, Justin, but I'm sure they way beyond warranty time. He bought them awhile back, but was breaking them in slowly. So he didn't really start to skate in them full-time until recently.

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Yeah I figured they were cooked.

Thanks for the warranty idea, Justin, but I'm sure they way beyond warranty time. He bought them awhile back, but was breaking them in slowly. So he didn't really start to skate in them full-time until recently.

That's ok..Have him call customer service and let them know he spoke with me...This is a manufacturing defect and we will honor it.

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