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Nolan Hurt

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Saw this on S-Net a little earlier. Seems odd and definately confusing to me.

Nolan Injury Article

There's a few scenarios. You can't buy out IR players (apperantly). Injured Salaries do count against the cap, but the player replacing them does not. His deal was a 5yr deal set to expire last year, but had a provision that if there was a lock-out it would be extended because he wasn't on the list, however, with this diagnosis, it would have him paid full salary for last year and he technically would be "on the list" and thus a UFA. I'm not sure all of this is true, just what I am hearing. It'll be interesting to see how it comes out, and if he stays on the IR and is not a UFA whether a bigger name will be willing to sign a "2-way" contract.

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I hope they find a way to get rid of him. At the time, I thought he would be really good for the Leafs, but now I'd much rather have his salary, roster spot, and Brad Boyes back. When Nolan plays he is so good. But he is such a damn band aid that it doesn't even matter how good he is anymore.

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I still don't mind the trade.

Stajan is everything McCauley was here. Boyes still hasn't done anything and has allowed Wellwood to step up and become the big guy on the farm and hopefully jump to the Leafs soon. Considering Boyes has been a "big prospect" for a while and was traded recently to Boston yet has not got a real shot at the NHL seems odd to me. Something doesn't sit right.

I don't expect we'll be stuck with him. Latest rumour has a 6.5 mill back-pay for last season and a full buy-out this year to get rid of him. I assume it will not be against the cap.

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I thought it was a horrible trade when they made it. I don't think it helped Toronto in any way.

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It sure helped SJ though. Even though he was very popular over here for a while, few fans in SJ now want him back. His back is a liability to his ice time and his moods are a liability to team chemistry.

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I thought it was a horrible trade when they made it. I don't think it helped Toronto in any way.

Nolan didn't do anything. The only way it hurt us is financially. McCauley wasnt anything here. I'm glad he's doing well, but he couldn't produce on a top line here. Boyes could still come alive, but I don't see it happening. Picks are nice, but were never in the top 20 anyway. Its dissappointing because Nolan was supposed to do more, and really didn't do anything, but I don't consider it a "loss" at all.

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