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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy skates?

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well i guess it depends what kinda mood the persons in that day. Our reps know that we install other holders on there skates and they dont care at all. Also itd be very hard to crack an outsole with rivets.

It has nothing to do with mood, it's a company policy with most manufacturers. Besides, most times the rep won't really care if you do swap holders because warranty issues are not all that common.

Bottom line... if you swap holders and you do run into problems, don't expect the manufacturer to warranty your skates.

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Crosby, have you ever tired getting a custom hollow on a standard holder? you can get the same hollow that is on your t'blades. besides. lightspeeds on synergies look sweet. or you could save the money, and the hassel and just buy them with the razor blades

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hmm what do u mean by hollowing out the holder i dont get that and i might try that because ive demoed the synergy skates and liked everythign but the holder and thats why i am asking this quesiton lol so please inform me about the hollowing the holder or something

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