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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What gloves last the longest but still look cool?

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Im in need of new hockey gloves and i want soem that look cool but wont wear out fast because i have a pair of oakley gloves and after one season they have worn like a beast with everything falling apart. Please post thanks.

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Im in need of new hockey gloves and i want soem that look cool but wont wear out fast because i have a pair of oakley gloves and after one season they have worn like a beast with everything falling apart. Please post thanks.

From my point I can tell you that my last pair of gloves have been Nike Quest 1 and they have lasted me two seasons. In the end I had a small hole in one of my thumbs but that´s it despite I always candy cane my sticks and this usually sort of kills gloves. The Quest 1 should be cheap meanwhile as I think it is discontinued?! I can also say that TPS HGT gloves seem to be "tanks" I had a pair that has been used for one whole season of pro hockey before I got them and they still lasted me another year without any problems.

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I don't know what you could get but each one of my Eastons have had big holes in the palm by the end of the year. I love Easton so I still buy them,but if duribility is a problem then maybe Eagles they look cool. IMO.

Lots of thing can wear out palms though so if you have: Snake grip,cheap tape, or color tape don't give up on your Oakleys. They are great gloves. IMO

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I like my oakleys and i know the palms wear out but its the whole leather part of the glove the stitchin is coming out and it is all messed so yeah i think i might try eagles cause i know they are nice but does any1 know how good hte rbk 8k gloves are. i think the highest model is 8k.

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