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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL Edmonton

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Non hit league for minor hockey edmonton.

I ve been playing ball hockey for a few years now and I want to try ice hockey however I am 17 and barely skate and dont kno how to hit so I want to give this league a try. I was just wondering if anyone on the forums play in this league. Any feedback would be greatley apprectiated.

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the best thing to do if you want to learn how to hit would be going to a camp or a learn to play program. unless you just want to take a few and figure it out on your own.

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If your starting out, its a great way to get used to ice hockey... but just don't tell anyone that you started out in the non hit league if/when you go into contact, there may be a few jeers/comments if that gets out. lol.

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Yea I don't know any kids who don't get beaked like crazy for playing there, although I don't personally know anyone who does, I hear the stories..

But, if you want to play ice I say giver and don't really listen to the people carving you

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I was just wondering if there were any members on here that played in the league. I just want to know if there are enough people to have a league and things such as competiveness of the league. I ve been roller blading and I heard the myths and such. I am a really good rollerblader and hitting wont be a problem for me since in ball hockey I tend to hit but not like ice hockey open ice hits. I would rather join the non hit league and be the best player as oppose to dragging down my team on a hit league, I would hate to be the worst player on the team.

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sherwood- I've heard some stories about people getting razzed for it.

Whip- if your looking to get into ice hockey by all means go that route, it seems to be a fairly competitive league. Even though its just for fun.

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