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interference paranoia

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For years I've been convinced that all the NHL really needed to do to make the game out-of-this-world exciting was to start calling interference. And for various reasons, the league and the officials haven't been willing to do this.

Now we have the current situation, summer of 2005, right after Armageddon and all that, and here come all these sweet rule changes. Goalie equipment, mercifully regulated at long last. No more red line. And the get-tough stance on interference, great.

Now the worry part - I'm hoping the league doesn't let this slide after the initial roll out. Coaches bitching. Officials sliding back to old habits. Players complaining. Teams with less talent looking for ways to stay competitive - if you can't catch em, clutch em.

I guess this is the point of my babbling missive here - do you feel the league will FINALLY enforce the interference stuff *and* stick to it? We all know games in October will be called very tight. But what might we see in January and February and in the playoffs?

I wonder if a major overhaul of the officials is in order. Old dogs often times can't learn the new tricks, and I am concerned that old habits could fall back easily for the whistle blowers. At the end of the day, this new order will only work if the guys in the stripes do their job right. I'd like to see more accountability with this.


Hector, dreaming of a game where 3-on-2s and 2-on-1s happen during the game, not just between periods with peewee's on the ice.

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I don't know how long it will last, but I'm quite confident it will revert to clutch and grab.

I remember reffing a game and the D was doing a tug-tug-tug on the puck handler. Not a TUG-TUG-TUG, but a tug-tug-tug. It was hooking and he did it for forty feet, but I knew I couldn't call it because it was so ticky-tack.

And that's what I think will happen: guys will constantly test the refs to see what they can get away with. Over time, maybe not even until next season, I believe we'll see a decrease in the obstruction calls.

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Over time, maybe not even until next season, I believe we'll see a decrease in the obstruction calls.

I don't mind if the calls fall off some as the players and officials get settled in the new system. In theory, that should happen anyway if the players are adjusting.

I just hope we don't come to a day where we realize most or all of the gains have been flushed with respect to this specific issue.

More than once we've seen leagues start off promising changes with respect to flow, scoring chances, policing of the c-n-g, only for the old style to slowly morph into the rink. I am really hoping that's not the case this time.

People want to see the skating, the passing, the creative game. People don't want to see sweater tugs and lumber hooks (unless it's Tim "Dr. Hook" McCracken I suppose).

I'm hoping the layoff scared the NHL straight. The fan's disenchantment with the game is something they can't ignore if they want to really build the foundations strong again. There's so much potential here, but they need to make sure the game maintains some offensive integrity.

I'll stop my babbling now, I think I'm sick of myself for one weekend.

Looking forward to the FA frenzy, it's going to be madness. But a fun madness, just the same.

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It would be nice to see officials fined for making obvious mistakes(to do with obstruction and such). Maybe this is a bit harsh, but it might be the only way to get through to them.

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Give the refs big bonuses for doing all-star and playoff games. Don't give the games to guys who don't make the calls. Hell, take away regular season assignments if they don't call the penalties as they should. They will get the point very quickly.

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ive heard the same thing for a few years now that they would be cracking down on interference but every year by christmas more and more interferance

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The coaches bitch, the players bitch, the GMs bitch and the league doesn't back the refs. Fine everyone who complains and the complaining slows down.

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The fines are actually written into the CBA. Anyone who speaks negatively about it, gets fined. I honestly think it'll work this time. The league knows it needs to become more entertaining, and that less obsturction is the way to go. If they go after the key offenders to start, it'll fall in place. This time players will be behind it as well, they know they need to sell the game now as well.

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