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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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WoW! great call warrior maybe if you were listening to the trailer you would have heard the movie was on a UHL team and it just so happens Chelios, Draper and Hatcher played in the UHL.

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WoW! great call warrior maybe if you were listening to the trailer you would have heard the movie was on a UHL team and it just so happens Chelios, Draper and Hatcher played in the UHL.

wow sorry i didnt realize i had my volume down dont need to be so hasty.

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looks like theres a clip of that nasty red ice in there too! is that a minor league team?

It's actually Pink. Take a look at the screen shots on that site. they say what city (can't recall off hand). That movie looks decent. I might try to find a copy when it comes out.

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