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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Any way to tell what HE950 batches are defective?

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I bought a new pair of Mission HE950 skates recently, but am aware of defects in design of the DNA eyelets among other things. According to the box, these skates were manufactured 05-03-10. Does anyone know if these are defective?

According to a "giant" of a hockey retailer, every batch of these skates have defects.

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I've sold a pair of these skates to a client and he has skated them for 4 months now, without problems. I think you just have to handle them with care. Regards.

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Dont forget your skates are WARRANTIED....if there turns out to be aproblem with the eyelets, or any other part of the skate. call mission customer service and they will handle it for you. Trust me..I know.

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According to Mission this batch is good. Unfortunately most of my LHS' have stopped re-stocking the HE950 already due to all the warranty processing, but I'm glad I got one of the good pairs - the chassis is awesome.

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