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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hyper Zero G

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I was at NARCh this weekend, and I went over to the mission booth and saw the Quatro 10000's with these on it, then traveled down the hall to the Hyper booth and saw them again. I recall Justin talking about them on the 06' mission discussion, but he didnt know complete specs. does anyone have them, I know that they are light, but how is the grip/rebound characteristics with that stiff carbon fiber core.

p.s. this was my first NARCh nationals...something I will never forget.

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Glad you had fun at the Finals.....As for the wheels, theyre not even on the market yet so you would have to ask Justin I guess if hes used them..As for me I will not get them.....20.00USD a wheel is a bit too much for me

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Still, they can keep the wheel for that price...

Heres some info via the Hyper news room:

Zero G - Zero Gravity True carbon fiber core wheels. The Zero G wheels are the newest, lightest, and most technologically advanced roller hockey wheels in the world. The Zero G wheels were debuted at the show last week, but will hit stores this fall with the rest of the New 2006 Hyper Hockey product line up. Look for them at Rinkrat hockey and at your local authorized Hyper dealer this fall.

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20 bucks a wheel is a complete rip off! I bought my Genesis wheels for 9 bucks a piece and those bad boys are awesome there’s nothing better out there.

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