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NHLers that started playing late

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I have a St. Louis Blues Media Guide from the 2001-2002 season.  For each player, there's about 20 questions asked including "How old were you when you put on your first pair of skates?"

A few late bloomers included Mike Keane (13) and Keith Tkachuk (16).

Also some VERY useful information is included such as Favorite Sports Drink, Favorite Toothpaste & Shampoo, First Car, First Job, Dream Car, Favorite Cartoon Character, Favorite Olympic Sport, and If I Could Be a Musician, I'd Be....  :D

Don't believe everything you read in a media guide, Shanahan is a perfect example of that. One year he told them he was the backup goalie for Ireland's world cup soccer team and they printed it.

Yeah a lot of that should probably taken with a grain of salt. Media guide hence the word media...it's not like THEY don't sensationalize things.

However Shanny has been known to really BS the media. I didn't know about the Ireland goalie story, but he also said he was in a scene on Forrest Gump and provided the voice of Dino in the Flintstones movie. :lol:

He also said he was a ball boy at wimbleton.

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Yeah a lot of that should probably taken with a grain of salt.  Media guide hence the word media...it's not like THEY don't sensationalize things.

However Shanny has been known to really BS the media.  I didn't know about the Ireland goalie story, but he also said he was in a scene on Forrest Gump and provided the voice of Dino in the Flintstones movie.  :lol:

I heard that it was shannahan being traded that killed the whalers....

He never wanted to be there if I remember correctly and wanted to be traded as soon as possible.

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Yeah a lot of that should probably taken with a grain of salt.  Media guide hence the word media...it's not like THEY don't sensationalize things.

However Shanny has been known to really BS the media.  I didn't know about the Ireland goalie story, but he also said he was in a scene on Forrest Gump and provided the voice of Dino in the Flintstones movie.  :lol:

I heard that it was shannahan being traded that killed the whalers....

He never wanted to be there if I remember correctly and wanted to be traded as soon as possible.

Interesting story that year was that Shanny and Coffey both asked to be traded to Stanley Cup contenders. Shanny went to Detroit, Coffey went to Philly, and guess which 2 teams went to the finals?

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didnt messier play hosue league most of his minor hockey career. Tootoo started playing organized hockey really late too

I'm pretty sure Messier didn't make rep until 2nd. yr.bantam or 1st. yr. midget. Sherwood did your coach, coach CuJo at Notre Dame?

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