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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Canadian and American Hockey

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hi im from ireland and was wondering if i could get advice on how to get playing over in America or canada. Both me and my friend play a good standard of hockey and play above our age im still young but i want to see what my options are

cheers this is much appreicated

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Come over for a summer and join a team. Not much else you can do really. Try and get in contact with Hockey Canada and tell them what you would like to do.

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Why would you want to come here to play? I don't know how good you are but you would have to be pretty dam good to play in the CHL. I’m not sure what you want to do with hockey but coming here would be a waist of time... I would suggest you stay in Ireland and play for the (how old are you?) Jr. or Sr. national team...

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It can be difficult to make the jump in areas where Hockey isn't as popular. He may want to play in a culture which is more geared to hockey so he can get more ice time. He may not be looking at the CHL right now, but hoping he develops into a player who can become a CHLer or possibly go the NCAA route. There are alot more options that come from Hockey here than in Ireland.

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If you're still in high school or college, you might want to consider a regular "study abroad" program and just pick a city/school where you know they play a good deal of hockey. Why limit or focus your time here on just hockey? I'd hate to think you'll come all this way and the only thing you'll be able to say about USA/Canada is "Nice rinks, crummy beer" ;)

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www.playyourgame.com check for prep schools, juniors, whatever, and get yourself on video and send them over the pond, or over e-mail to the coaches, and get some time tests and clock your shots. You don't want to come over, then not make a team...

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