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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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URGENT: Question about a product on sale at HG.com

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Okay, so they're on the way. I needed some 76a wheels for my fronts, so I jumped on them at that price. Are these good wheels or what? They've got to be better than the Kuzaks I just had to take off because they were chunking on me.

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I actually got a set of those wheels and I didn't like them at all. No grip, no speed, overall bad feel. theres a reason they are being sold at less then $4 a wheel.

I am now on the labeda genesis wheel and all i have to say is WOW.

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I actually got a set of those wheels and I didn't like them at all. No grip, no speed, overall bad feel. theres a reason they are being sold at less then $4 a wheel.

I am now on the labeda genesis wheel and all i have to say is WOW.

Hmmm ... not good news there. Oh well, if I don't like the set I put on, I can sell the other set on eBay I spose.

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I wonder if they were just overproducing. They seemed to go downhill right around the time Mission signed them, and that seems like it would be alot of orders to fill.

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Well, I learned my lesson I suppose. I got the wheels and played a scrimmage on them tonight. One of the wheels on my left skate is chunking already. The others seem fine. I got eight of them, so I'll swap out one of the others to see if it was just a bad wheel, but it sure doesn't look promising.

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