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Putting outdoor wheels on Nike Quest 1s

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I bought some Nike Quest 1s (RedStar chassis and wheels), then bought some Rink Rat World Cup outdoor wheels. I'm completely new to the world of inline but figured I would try skating around at some of the local outdoor rinks to see if I like it.

I am embarassed to admit that t took me a while to figure out that the 688 bearings that came with my skates will not fit in the World Cups. I started looking for adapters at e.g. epuck, but got confused when I started seeing descriptions of things like "single axel" and "double axel" systems - I just figured out what the bearings were ! I went to a few LHSs in Toronto, but most of them didn't know more than I did - one guy didn't even know that 688->608 adapters existed.

What do I need to get into business ? As far as I know, I can either 1) buy an adapter to fit my bearings into a "regular" wheel, or 2) buy new bearings. But the epuck descriptions suggest that some bearings are better suited for indoor use, so I don't want to buy the wrong types. Money is a bit of a factor too, since I'm new to the inline world. Ideally I'd get something that is reasonably inexpensive, offers decent performance, and is easy to maintain. Any suggestions ?

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So if I understand correctly, you are now looking to buy some regular (608 size) breakings to put in your World Cup outdoor wheels?

If so, you would be better off buying another set of bearings. That way both sets of your wheels have bearings. ABEC 3 and ABEC 5 bearings are all you would need for playing outside, and those can be found for pretty cheap.

P.S. Good choice with the skates by the way. I love the Quest 1's :D

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notorious is right, but if you don't mind spending a little more, BSB's Titanium bearings tend to require less maintenance. I use them, and find that they have gone quite a while without needing cleaning(and I use them outdoors). I found them at hockeygiant for $30 US. They don't come with spacers for some ungodly reason, and thats another $8. I'm sure you can find cheaper bearings that will work fine, and will probably come with spacers too...if cost is your top priority.

here are the links if you're interested:

Titanium 608 bearings

608 spacers

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I'd also recommend getting some cheap ABEC 3 or 5 bearings and some new spacers. The type of spacer you need will depend on the axels on your skates - if you have narrow axels then you'll need a spacer that sleeves the inside of the bearing down, otherwise you'll need a floating spacer. Have a look at the current spacers - the new ones will have to be the same basic shape, but with a thinner centre section.

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So if I understand correctly, you are now looking to buy some regular (608 size) breakings to put in your World Cup outdoor wheels?

If so, you would be better off buying another set of bearings.

Sorry if I wasn't clear. I realize I also said I bought Red Star wheels when they were Rink Rats.

Yes, I believe I do need 608 bearings - assuming that is what the World Cups need. How does one tell ? I looked around and couldn't seem to find anything that said that for sure, though, but I think that's what I need.... I wish the product descriptions were a little more specific, and Rink Rat doesn't really have much in the way of product information on their website, just (if I recall) a catalog PDF.

My real problem is I haven't yet found a store in Toronto that is very knowledgeable about roller, and I don't know anyone who plays, so I've had to try and figure this out myself.

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THanks for the replies, guys. I really don't know what sort of axels I have, since I don't have anything to compare with, I can't tell if they are narrow or not. Each axel is 1" long, not including the metal stopper at the end, which is sort of oval-shaped. A 1/2" screw goes into the other end of the axel. The axel appears to be about 1/4" wide, exterior imensions.

I popped the bearings out, the spacers (this is the thing that goes in between the bearings, and that the axel goes through, right ?) are 15/16" long, There is a center portion which is wider, about 7/16" wide and 9/16" long, flanked by two narrow portions, each 5/16" wide and 3/16" long. All dimensions are exterior.

Is this enough to figure out what i have?

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The sticky-outy bits on the spacer should fit into the bearing to sleeve them down to fit the axel, so you'll need some standard spacers - they'll look exactly the same link to spacers except narrower in the middle (because the 608 bearings are thicker, and the hub of the wheel is a standard width).

So you just need a set of those spacers, and a set of 608 bearings and you're set. Just one last word of warning - check that the axels fit the spacers - BauerNike skates seem to have slightly fat axels that don't fit most spacers properly.

Finally - unless otherwise stated, most wheels are 608 hubbed.

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So you just need a set of those spacers, and a set of 608 bearings and you're set.  Just one last word of warning - check that the axels fit the spacers - BauerNike skates seem to have slightly fat axels that don't fit most spacers properly.

Wow, I never guessed this would be that difficult. I looked far and wide in Toronto for a store that sold a selection of roller hockey equipment, because of Thunderbird's warnings to check that the axel actually fit the spacer.

So I pulled off an axel and brought it and the new wheel to a large inline retailer that did not carry roller hockey gear, but was recommended to me by a hockey store. The store sold regular 608 BSB ABEC 3 bearings. These did not come with spacers, but the guy at the store compared the axels to standard spacers they had, and found my axels would not fit the standard spacer. But instead of the axel being too wide as Thunderbird suggested, they were too narrow, even I could see there was way too much play.

His recommendation was that I needed to contact BNH to find out whether they sold spacers for these axels. Grr..... this should not be that hard !

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Just one last word of warning - check that the axels fit the spacers - BauerNike skates seem to have slightly fat axels that don't fit most spacers properly.

What a great call. I don't know what the guy at the first store I went to was doing when he told me my axels were too small for standard spacers, but when I went to a LHS with parts in hand, they had a box full of spare parts including a whole bunch of spacers. They didn't know anything about roller despite being one of the most well-known stores in Toronto, and didn't stock much besides the skates themselves, so they left me to poke around myself. Lo and behold, I found that my axels were, indeed, just SLIGHTLY too BIG for every single spacer they had. Compared to the axels they had in this box, they seemed to be the same size as every other axel, but clearly they weren't, as those axels fit the spacers nicely and mine didn't. Unfortunately, the axels they did have, wouldn't fit my chassis as it the head of one of the bolts is oval shaped and needs to be that way to fit properly in the depressions in the chassis.

By chance I went to another store that was selling some Bauer and Nike skates, this time with the Tuuk "One-Up" chassis. I noticed that the axels looked identical, and some skates had regular wheels/bearings, so I persuaded the salesguy to pull the axels off so that I could compare them. They were the same axels, which meant that the spacers fit the axels properly. So now I guess I have to figure out where to get those spacers that fit my axels and regular wheels. Both stores said they can't/won't order the needed part. I've emailed Nike and never received a response.

One vendor (epuck) recommends I buy a "mini-miser" adapter to adapt my mini bearings to my standard wheels, but on the advice of a few posters above I'd like to avoid that if at all possible, if only because 1) I want to stay with standard bearings/wheels, and 2) shipping to Canada would be more than double the cost of the adapters themselves, not including the brokerage and duties.

I am seriously considering buying another pair of skates that come with the same axels and standard bearings - this store had a bunch on closeout, the cheapest were about $109 Canadian. If I bought a pair of Bauer/Nikes with the same set of axels, I could have two sets of skates, one with micro bearings and one with standard, I could use one indoors and one outdoors. But that just seems like a huge waste of money, considering I don't even play roller now !

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Buying a whole new pair of skates is silly...is it realy that hard to find a set of (standard) bearings (abec 3 or 5) and a set of spacers to fit them? Quest 1's are an awesome pair of skates I just think it wouldn't be too practical.

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Buying a whole new pair of skates is silly...is it realy that hard to find a set of (standard) bearings (abec 3 or 5) and a set of spacers to fit them? Quest 1's are an awesome pair of skates I just think it wouldn't be too practical.

I totally agree it's silly and wasteful. But I'm at my wit's end. I've contacted Nike hockey and they haven't responded. I sent an email to RedStar, and they haven't responded either. If either of these guys had any customer service whatsoever, this could probably be solved easily. I've been to all the LHSes and inline stores in Toronto, and either they don't know what they're talking about and give me bad advice, or they send me to each other. And they all say they can't or won't order the needed parts, the LHSes all basically say they don't have much interest in roller.

I've contacted a couple of online retailers, and as I mentioned one of my favorites, Epuck, suggests buying adapters to get my micro bearings to fit in standard wheels. I'd prefer not to go that route for several reasons, I'd rather just get regular bearings working with my setup. But even if I went that route, while the adapters only cost $16 USD, shipping to Canada is probably at LEAST $20 USD. Add in brokerage and duties, my cost is probably up to at least $60 CDN just to get the adapters ! I am religiously opposed to spending $40 to ship an app. $20 part. For $50 more, plus tax of course, I would have a whole new set of skates including wheels, though they would be entry-level and likely nowhere near as good as the Quest 1s.

I just want to get outside on these things !

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hey i had same problem with the spacers. the axles r just a bit bigger then normal. i dont know if they make mini bearing spacers for the bauer/nike skates. heres a place in california that sells the spacer/axle kit for only $20


Thanks bro. I am guessing you are saying I need this part:

Bauer-Nike Hockey Wheel Axle Kits '04/'05.

Sounds like what I need, only thing is it doesn't say specifically that it fits the Quest 1 - is there anyway to figure out what year this skate is ? Like I said, I think many of the Bauer and Nike skates I see with the One-Up chassis use the same axel, so I guess if I verified that one of those skates has the same axle, I'd be in business. Only, I am not sure anymore what model year skates my local store (SportChek in Toronto) is selling... I figured when I bought my Quest 1s they were maybe 2004s at most , but then a salesguy said they were 2003s ...

What the heck are they thinking putting non-standard axels on ?

I wish I still lived in LA...shipping/customs/brokerage is still gonna kill me on this baby !

Thanks again.

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yes the quest 1 use the same spacer axle sytem as any bauer skate with the 1up frames. i have the nike aero and its the same as my bauer 20-90 and 30-90s

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