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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL 2006

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Cool thing is that there is an unofficial tool out there which lets you change settings in the demo game, such as difficulty, rules, screen res and it even let's you change lines and play 3 periods.

There is one minor "new rule" bug, too. According to new rules, the team that ices the puck is NOT allowed to change line before the subsequent faceoff. In the NHL06 demo you can change lines after icing.

As for the gameplay, we'll have to wait for the final game. I like how you can score one-timer goals yet again. On the downside I find the slapshot-sound ridiculous. Sounds like a gunshot more than anything else. And wristshots are ridiculously weak.

that's always been one of my biggest gripes with EA, is that wrist shots are too weak, and unless you're a superstar, just about every one of your shots are that way. things started to change in 04', but i think i'm gonna be sticking with the 2k series. i find the gameplay far more realistic. i'm still pretty intrigued with 2006, but i'm gonna have to rent it first, instead of going out any buying it.

and is there no salary cap in the game? i was really hoping that'd be in it, since in most hockey games, all the superstars become free agents and you can stack your team without any penalty.

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