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Player contracts

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In these dog days of summer postings are a little slow. I know this one is pretty weak, but in checking out the Canucks site they have pics of Brendan Morrison actually signing his contract.

I've never seen or read a NHL contract before so I'm surprised it's that thick! I wonder what it says and if the players really understand all the whereas, thereto's, and the like.



Edit: A more direct link to the pic:


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In these dog days of summer postings are a little slow.  I know this one is pretty weak, but in checking out the Canucks site they have pics of Brendan Morrison actually signing his contract.

I've never seen or read a NHL contract before so I'm surprised it's that thick!  I wonder what it says and if the players really understand all the whereas, thereto's, and the like.



I didnt' think they were a one line signature and that was it. You probably have to sign each elemtn of hte deal. And, all the parts about what you won't do while under contract (skiing, hang glising, bull fighting etc...)

Speaking of which did you see the shot that TSN was using during the CBA ratification process it was Shawn McChechearn's (sp?) copy of the tentative aggreement. God...looked like War & Peace.

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Pretty funny that he's signing it in a training room of the practice facility. Just goes to show he's a laid back guy, afterall that document is worth somewhere around $6-9 million dollars. You think he'd be sitting in a fancy leather chair wearing a suit or something!!


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