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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Grafs

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They just released the G Series. I haven't heard anything about a new line, and I'd be surprised if they threw something else onto the market anytime soon.

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there is no new lineup coming from graf this year since there still working on creating a g7 skate that will still offer the same type of movement in the boot but fit similar or just as a 705/g5. they have had a big success with the G series and it took graf almost a decade to come out with something higher then there 700 series. so dont expect anything soon with them since there a company thats more based on consistency then coming out with something new and forcing people to buy into there new stuff if there old stuff was just as good or maybe better

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Is the G serie available in Europe?

the G series in europe has TLI after the model and according to there webpage they have 707 TLI and 735 TLI and both have cobras on them. they probably still have the other skates in the TLI version but probably not on the internet site.

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