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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey shops in Winnipeg

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I was just wondering about any decent hockey shops in the winnipeg area. I am looking for something other than Sportchek and Sportmarts. Thanks in advance.

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Hockey Hutch was a good little store, easy to find. Right on Portage wasn't it?

Hockey Hutch was on Pembina, there is a new store on pembina now, a big one, but all my winnipeg buddies portray it negatively.

Caddy Shed is on Portage Ave. I worked there for five seasons(20 years ago! yikes) sharpening skates, selling hockey equipment, and building golf clubs...we used to sell a ton of Chip and Pepper wetwear...when they were just starting their illustrious career.



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I live in winnipeg and i get mostly everything at Royal sports...all the top brand equipment...theres a hockey shop in transcona called warrens sports which also has high brand equipment.

where abouts you looking into? like area?

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