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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Determining skate width?

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What is the best way to determine skate width? I've skated in a Bauer Supreme 10D width boot forever, but when I tried the 8090's on I found that I could only fit into a 9.5EE boot- the D's were too narrow and absolutely killed my feet.

I have size 12 feet (US) and they look pretty wide to me They are also very flat...but it's weird that the D boot looks narrow when I have them on- the distance from eyelet to eyelet horizontally is about 2 and a half inches. But when you look at pics of most pro's, the eyelets look to be much wider apart.

Any suggestions?

(FWIW, I did a search and couldn't find anything)

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