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Flexlite 12 width/depth.

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I broke my foot last week so the chance of me getting my now ridiculously wide foot in my G3 is very slim. Seeing as the Flexlites are relatively new and I have yet to sell a pair myself at the shop, can anyone give me any insight as to how these fit width wise in relation to the 8090? When I had the 8090 they felt slightly too deep, forefoot felt perfect while the heel was way too wide. I know the nike has a narrow heel/wider forefoot which on paper suits my foot profile. The G3 forefoot was a little narrow to begin with but it was the only skate at the time that locked my heel down. I start training camp in 2 weeks so i need to at least have something to get my foot in.

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I broke my foot last week so the chance of me getting my now ridiculously wide foot in my G3 is very slim. Seeing as the Flexlites are relatively new and I have yet to sell a pair myself at the shop, can anyone give me any insight as to how these fit width wise in relation to the 8090? When I had the 8090 they felt slightly too deep, forefoot felt perfect while the heel was way too wide. I know the nike has a narrow heel/wider forefoot which on paper suits my foot profile. The G3 forefoot was a little narrow to begin with but it was the only skate at the time that locked my heel down. I start training camp in 2 weeks so i need to at least have something to get my foot in.

i believe the flexlite 12's have a wider heel and a tighter fitting forefoot.. Someone correct me if i'm wrong

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I broke my foot last week so the chance of me getting my now ridiculously wide foot in my G3 is very slim. Seeing as the Flexlites are relatively new and I have yet to sell a pair myself at the shop, can anyone give me any insight as to how these fit width wise in relation to the 8090? When I had the 8090 they felt slightly too deep, forefoot felt perfect while the heel was way too wide. I know the nike has a narrow heel/wider forefoot which on paper suits my foot profile. The G3 forefoot was a little narrow to begin with but it was the only skate at the time that locked my heel down. I start training camp in 2 weeks so i need to at least have something to get my foot in.

i believe the flexlite 12's have a wider heel and a tighter fitting forefoot.. Someone correct me if i'm wrong

Other way around.

Also, I doubt my foot will fit into the skate once it heals without discomfort, not to mention the graf has zero protection. That being said one probably shouldn't go stick their foot out to block a slapper, regardless of what skate they are wearing. :D

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I just recently purchased F-12's and came from Quest 1's. I tried about 5 or 6 differnet models and it came down to the 8090 and Nike. Actually I tried to stay away from Nike, but the fit for me was superior. In the 8090 I needed a size 7 which was a quarter size too big... lenght. The 8090 in the 6 1/2 EE was too small (1/4) both W & L. I ended up with a 6 1/2 D Flexlite 12. I love the skate, but I only have about 5 or 6 hours in them. It fits very different than my old Quests....I don't think the toe box is narrower just a different fit. One initial concern, but I'm adjusting is the holder is one size smaller than what I'm use to (I'm guessing 3/8 to 7/16 shorter) 263 to 254. No Break in period..... very comfy for this 40+ gomer

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I just got my pair of F12s. I came from 8090s. 8090s fit me well aside from the toe box being so small. The nike's fit me great now. The heel seems a bit snugger from the 8090, while the forefoot seems to be a bit wider.

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