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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pure Hockey sale

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I hit the Pure Hockey sale in Marlborough. Didn't check out the gear but good deals on sticks.

Synergy's for $75, M-1's for $75, no warranty Rubber Responses for $60. Just thought I'd give a heads up.

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Did you see Joe from Oggie Grip there? He told me Thursday night that he had set up a demo area and it was going quite well.

I noticed a spot where someone was showing the grips. There seemed to be a lot of interest.

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Did you see Joe from Oggie Grip there? He told me Thursday night that he had set up a demo area and it was going quite well.

At pure hockey?Or New England Sports Center(the rinks down the strret)

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At Pure Hockey. He was quite excited when he called me Thursday night, because he said he had sold out of every black junior grip he had -- about 55 of them -- on the first day.

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