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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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E-Bay Problems

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Hello All,

I seem to have a problem. I got a fairly nasty letter from E-bay today. Threatening to suspend and terminate my account if I do not update it. Problem is, they want my credit card information, and it seems a little sketchy. The E-mail provides a link, but I had problems working with the software to get it. Then I went to sign-in on E-bay and thats where the prompted me to fill in the credit card information. I'm kind've weary, should I be worried? Anyone have a similar experience? I know I'll loose all my feedback, I have about 20, all positive, but would I be able to open a new account?

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Thanks for the help guys. Password, Changed! I didn't enter my CC number when prompted to. Weird thing is, I followed the link, but it didn't load, then went into Ebay seperately, then it prompted me for my CC.

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I've never had to provide a CC number to purchase off eBay... selling on the other hand, I haven't experienced yet.

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Yeah I had the same problem a few days ago Eazy.

If you entered your password on the fake site, change your ebay password ASAP.

Thanks for that advice, BruinsFanRI. I never thought about that. Just changed my password :D

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one thing you can do is check the link of the site the email is directing you to. i have had at least 50 of these emails and the link is never a www.ebay it is always something crazy and never begins with ebay

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