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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Off ice training

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I don't have 170 dollars to rent the ice and practice whenever I feel like, so I decided to do the next best thing. My basement is unfinished in one room. I'm working on my quick feet more than anything else right now and I was getting tired of the the same old drills over and over. So I put on my roller blades and shin pads and did all the quick feet drills I could remember doing in ice/summer hockey practices. I had a lot more fun than I usually do, I also did some stick handling. I also found it helpful with balance. So, my question is, is this ok to replace ice drills with? Not exactly REPLACE because I start practicing next week, just to get warmed up for the season.

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IMO it would be a great "replacement" instead of shelling out all of the money to rent one hour of ice. It would be the exact same as skating drills but it will be good for your muscle memory in your legs and for good form as well.

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I always match the time I'm on the ice each week with the time I'm on roller. Seems to have helped alot and I haven't been having the transition problems I was having when I was doing heavy roller.

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You want fast feet? Get an agility ladder:


If you are tight for cash, you can just use some tape on the floor of your basement to make one.

You do need to get one of the videos to show you the exercises, as there are something like 100 different moves. It is also fun to watch the 200 pound guy doing the exercises 5X quicker than you can!

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Biff's so right.

Get such a ladder, its really useful and it helps you on the ice.

I went to a camp last week and they also had some there.

In the beginning its hard and kinda annoying but when you get better you'll see the benefits on the ice.

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Yeah, you will be amazed at the number of exercises, and the speed at which they can be executed. Of course, some exercises are more appropriate for hockey than others.

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Yeah, you will be amazed at the number of exercises, and the speed at which they can be executed. Of course, some exercises are more appropriate for hockey than others.

If I'm already well experienced in 25-35 drills that I use on my ladder, would you still recomend the video?

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