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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer roller skates

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Does anyone know if bauer will come out with roller skates that can perform like the XXX ice skate. Their ice skates are by far the best but why dont they put this technology in to the rollers. Also Easton are the same great ice boots but nowhere to be seen on the roller skate but i suppose they did make those easton air roller skates.

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I thought they have done some short runs in the past, but putting a Vapor XX or XXX onto a roller boot would give you a very small % of consumers who were ready to spend that $ on a skate..I think most just convert them anyways..the 3090 isn't a Vapor XXX or XX but based off a similar design with materials more suited towards roller..plus they make a boot for HG that incorporates their OneUp chassis,etc..

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Yea well Easton came out with the Easton Gold or something like that for roller and like Jim A Said most tournaments that i go to i will see a converted pair of XX on a sensor frame.

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