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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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black custom + or white lightspeeds? *Pics added*

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to defend ygold.. ive been told that the black polys make you look slower by a few different scouts.

edit- does this mean i believe it? im not sure yet. i woudnt think so, but ive heard it a few times from scouts as i said... so im undecided

Those scouts should spend some more time figuring out if kids can play hockey or not. Speed is easy to judge, is the kid getting up the ice or not? Oh wait, he's got black Tuuks, we don't want him.

Very few players on this site really have to worry about what scouts think of them, and for the few that do, the color of their holder really won't matter much to them.

hey like i said i dont think it SHOULD matter. just giving a 1st hand experience, and proving that ygold didnt pull that out of his ass.

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Hard to imagine that reputable NHL scouts would buy into the idea that a dark colored holder makes a player seem slower on the ice. It's also hard to imagine they're focusing on the players skates...

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to defend ygold.. ive been told that the black polys make you look slower by a few different scouts.

edit- does this mean i believe it? im not sure yet. i woudnt think so, but ive heard it a few times from scouts as i said... so im undecided

Those scouts should spend some more time figuring out if kids can play hockey or not. Speed is easy to judge, is the kid getting up the ice or not? Oh wait, he's got black Tuuks, we don't want him.

Very few players on this site really have to worry about what scouts think of them, and for the few that do, the color of their holder really won't matter much to them.

hey like i said i dont think it SHOULD matter. just giving a 1st hand experience, and proving that ygold didnt pull that out of his ass.

Seems like when you burn your man or catch up from behind on a back check, it will be obvious who the faster one is regardless of what color holders he has. ;)

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Im just waiting for someone to post pics of pink holders.. It's just a matter of time, just wait.. I wonder if pink Tuuks will make you look faster or slower ?? ;)

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they dont look as bad in person hahaha believe me.

i dont care what you all say i like them.

but im gettin a new pair of something around christmas

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