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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf skate help

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Since the graf site is down right now does anyone have a website or information of how all of the 700's series fits? Its for reference just to consider what to try on when I go to my LHS.


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703-narrow heel standard foorefoot shallow depth

705-standard heel standard forefoot medium depth

707-wide heel, narrow forefoot with a deep depth-boot provides optimum flexibility

709-wide heel wide forefoot with a very deep ankle depth

727-wide heel wide forefoot with deep depth

735-narrow heel wide forefoot standard depth(both available in t-blade or cobra now)

if your subtailor bone comes out more then your achilles and you fit into a 705 and you feel pressure after skating a game or 2 take it to the shop and have him punch it out above your pressure spot this will help aleviate the pressure, punching out the direct area will do nothing at all that or have him put you in a 735. when you go to try the grafs on ask to borrow a pen and before you lace up the skate run the pen across th3 third eyelot from the top across your foot. if the pen wobble get him to bring out a deeper boot and if he says you dont need one just say i do because my ankles sitting to far forward and my ankle will rubb along the eyelots. if the pen does not wobble but you can get more then a finger underneath the pen have him bring you out a shallower fitting boot ie 703. also try on a regular before going with a wide because the skate will get wider like all skates once its worn in.i suggest trying on a narrow or a regular before going to the wide because if your heel slips in the wide itll slip even more after the heating

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I'm going to piggyback on this thread a bit.

How does Graf sizing (not fit,) compare to Bauer Supreme sizing? Is a Bauer 8 the same size as a Graf 8?

Also, for someone with fairly shallow arches, would the 703 be best?

Just so I'm clear on the pen technique. Are you basically checking to see of the tounge is sticking out past the eyelets?

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It really varies from skate to skate. Much like the 8090/XX (although very different fits) you're likely to switch sizes in between the two skates. For Graf, I wear a size 6 735, and I wear a size 5.5 Vapor XX (EE)/XXX. Now, my foot isn't done growing but it hasn't grown since I switched to 735's, and I still fit in 5.5 XX's. You're really best to try them on if at all possible. Hope that helps.

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i skated in 7.5 nikes recently but, as they were falling apart, i decided going back to graf was the best decision i could make. tried on 7.5 735s and they are a little smaller than the nikes, my toe touches more than with the nikes. the only thing i am concerned about is the stiffness of 735 to flexlite 12 which is pretty much a rock. weight is different but minimal and hardly matters anyways. any thoughts?

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Just so I'm clear on the pen technique. Are you basically checking to see of the tounge is sticking out past the eyelets?

sorry i shoulda made it clearer, you pull the tongue forward and run the pen across the 3rd eyelot from the top to see if the pen moves from your foot like wobbly if it does its too shallow. if the pen fits fine across but theres a gap between the pen and the top of your foot by more then a finger its too deep. if the pen is flat against the boot no wobbling and you can barely fit your finger under it then thats the boot for you.

also to the person asking about the nikes. nikes size half a size down so in a graf youd try on an 8. the 735 is a deeper fitting boot compared to a 703. also aslong as you get a tight fitting skate you should be fine because your ankle bone cant move side to side just forward and backwards. also the ankle bone is the strongest bone in the lower half of your body unless you didnt drink your milk as a kid like hulk hogan said and eat your vitamins or had major ankle surgery.

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