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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ccm pf8 inline skates

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i have had my PF8's for about six months and I love them however it appears that the sole of both skates are drooping over the chassis on the outside. I dont think the footsole of the skate is strong enough and it is starting to really hurt my feet. has anyone else had this problem?

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I'd say call CCM. Sounds like a manufacturing problem and they should be able to take care of that.

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i have the skates and what do you mean the foot soles are drroping over the chassis?

The only problem with mine is that the soles keep coming out so can i put superglue in to hold them in or will this stop me ever being able to change my chassis? (might sound a bit stupid :rolleyes: )

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If I am hearing what you are saying..I think the chassis edges are pushing up into the outsole. This hurts the feet incredibly..having experienced it first hand back in the days when so many skates were just converted ice skate boots.

These boots used to use a PVC plastic for the outsole..which tends to soften with heat....ie as you spend more and more time in the boot, the outsole gets softer, and the edges of the chassis mounting plates begin to "push" through leaving ridges on the inside of the soleplates which create major pressure points on the soles of your feet.

Then the newer skates which were designed specifically for inline, started to use a carbon fiber reinforcement in the outsole, which pretty much solved the problem..some ice skates had these too. The problem gets worse of course the more you weigh, and the hotter the surface/building you play in.

I do not have any PF8's to look at, but I would venture a guess someone is using just a regular PVC outsole again or some other material whose durometer is equally heat sensitive. Of course with ice this is not an issue, because the spray of the ice from stopping and skating keeps the outsoles cold enough that they do not deform as easily as happens with inline play.

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