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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXX Blisters

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toss some vaseline in those puppies on top of your foot or sock, helps break them in.

Vaseline is a petroleum based product IIRC, I wouldn't ever put that in skates. If you're going to use some type of lubrication like that go for something water based like KY jelly.

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That vaseline trick really does work! The guy at the graf factory who fit me for my skates, told me to try it when i was breaking in my 625's just over a year ago... and it really does work! I did the same thing on my 735's... worked great!

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That vaseline trick really does work! The guy at the graf factory who fit me for my skates, told me to try it when i was breaking in my 625's just over a year ago... and it really does work! I did the same thing on my 735's... worked great!

I'm not doubting it would work I'm just saying that I'd rather put a water based product on my body and my equipment than a petroleum based product.

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