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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer sizing

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sorry bout such lame threads.. but i dont know any other way to get a usable answer online somewhere else.

Im from Denmark so i cant go to a hockeystore which is like 5 minutes away by foot.. its far far away :angry:

Anyways, i got a US 9 shoe, which size would that be in a Bauer [Vapor XX] ?

Thanks !

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What the heck ?

Thanks, wanted to buy a 8EE skate, so i guess i'll end up with a 7 or 7.5 !

Do you guys have the CM sizes too ? These are the centimetres, this size can be very helpful



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Hi there,

is it true that the Vapor XX fit a bit smaller ?

Normally i need a 9 in Bauer, but ive heard they fit a bit smaller so it'll be alright to buy a half size bigger ?!

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