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How can Philly possibly...

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It's pretty simple, these guys will be in the AHL and those salaries don't count against the cap.

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I thought the listing TSN had was for 1 way or NHL salaries only.

Makes sence.

[EDIT] Woohoo 1,000 posts...didn't someone promise me a roll of tape or something.

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It's a slow day and a couple of the names are somewhat recognizable. Chouinard played well a couple of years ago when he played for Philly. He's a good skater and I'm surprised he didn't have any other offers.

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My favorite quote from the Minnesota Wild board about the loss of Eric Choiunard:

" We're going to miss his non-physical play and his non-scoring ability..."

When Minnesota Wild fans think you aren't good enough for their team, ouch!

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37.75M isn't the cap 39M?

That was assuming that all 9 of those signings were league minimum. I'm sure some are more than $450,000

Kinda of a moot (sp?) point after Chadd pointed out the AHL thing.

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I think they'll go with a 23 man roster, so those guys may be in the AHL, but they will be floating around the cap the whole season. Richards and Carter will both be around 800,000 + a year.

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